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Hello! Welcome to Loremeer Studios! I'm Loremeer, a digital painter and character designer and illustrator, just as the above title suggests. Commissions are open and I'm ready to negotiate terms and prices.

I'm also working with my partner Squishy on a series of projects. We have a Patreon page telling all about it. The bulk of our efforts are being put toward media featuring the Starlight universe, a product of Squishy's creative genius. First we are developing a turn-based strategy video game, Starlight: Galaxy. We've released a compact version of this game at which features artwork from Squish and myself. There will be a much more extensive version of the game complete with a simple but in-depth rpg system, a rich story with dialog options that can change the outcome and audio (music/sfx, currently missing).

Also in the Starlight universe you can look forward to a web comic for patreons that will serve as a prequel to Starlight: Galaxy. But the flagship product will be a tabletop role playing game entitled "Starlight". Starlight R.P.G. has been several years in the making. Squish developed its predecessors and earlier versions to play with our friends. And we have made so many memories with it. Since then it has been our goal to turn it into a published R.P.G. so we can share the fun of an immersive tactical science fiction experience with the world.

My artwork is featured in this tabletop role playing game.

My Latest Product

genarika RPG

genarika page banner fb.png
genarika page banner fb.png

My Current Project

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Loremeer Studios

Digital Painting and Character Illustration

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